Monday, April 6, 2009

Scholastic Strikes Back (at Meg Cabot)

Note the Star Wars reference.

 We've got another pop-culture update by scholastic from the original PD1 to the New Edition.

Original Edition had this passage. 

"He taught himself how to play the guitar - and 
he writes all his own songs! The one he played for me is called "Tall Drink of Water."  It's about this very tall pretty girl who doesnt know this boy is in love with her. I predict that one day it will be number one on the Billboard chart. Michael Moscovitz could one day be as famous as Puff Daddy."

And the new one and the 3 in one have this.

"He taught himself how to play the guitar - and he writes all his own songs! The one he played for me is called "Tall Drink of Water."  It's about this very tall pretty girl who doesn't know this boy is in love with her. I predict that one day it will be number one on the Billboard chart. Michael Moscovitz could one day be as famous as Kanye West."

I'm quite hard to anger but NO! NO! NO!

They've done this through out the whole book and I don't understand why. Putting aside the fact that neither of them play the guitar (according to wikipedia), I suppose Kanye is a bit more revelent? It does lack the comedic flair of Puff however. 

Still the people who brought us cheap Tamora Pierce books and $2 editions of The Dark is Rising have totally betrayed our trust. 

Maybe I'm nitpicking though?


  1. UGH. That is annoying. I wonder how many other names they've changed. D:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No you are not nitpicking. They should of just let that book remain the same. *Rolls eyes* What is the point in changing it anyways? It's not like there is a generation gap or anything. Everybody knows who Puff Daddy is.

  4. Khy : Iv only found two (maybe three I have to check my old copy) in the first one. None in the new second and Im still checking the third.

    Christina: Yeah I think so too. ^_^

  5. I hate it when they change parts of books because references are outdated... that's how you can tell when it was written!
    The first time I read that, I read it as 'attempted removal of Britney Spears'. Get outta here, Britney!


  6. Geez. Don't they think that we love for the pop culture references to stay that way and NOT get updated?

  7. I kind of like when a book is dated. Let's face it...Go Ask Alice is HUGELY dated, but it is a classic. Well...I am pretty dated myself. Still that is pretty lame.

  8. Hmmm. That's weird. It seems like they just keep changing the book to fit current trends, but it doesn't work that way!!

  9. Guess they'll update it every couple of years with a new name? Collect them all!!

  10. I'm with you on this one- if a book is good, leave it the way it is!

    ~bella aire~

  11. Lenore: Yup ^_^

    Bella: Glad you agree!

    Priya: Exactly

    Steph: They did remove Britney! Just on an earlier page ^_^

    Kalea: I dont mind the dated-ness either.

    Liyana: I think that the authors ones are preferable too

  12. Omgooddneess! Why are they changing it? It's perfect the way it it, though a bit outdated. Phewy. :)Besides kanye west sucks! (my personal opinion)

  13. Hummmmm I think you are right Jen why change it.
    Maybe its a sad attempt to capture a new audience?

  14. Amy: I know! Meg Cabots writing is perfection.

    Optimist: I suppose it could be, but I dont see how it would work

  15. Argh, this is stupid. Why bother? And you're right...neither of them plays the guitar anyway.

  16. Jen! You've won an award over at my blog.

  17. wow it soooo lame to change names, but I guess I get it because little kids wont know who Hillary Duff or Puff Daddy are in a couple of years.

  18. ^_^ Thanks Liyana!

    Marie and Jess, I know Hillary isnt relevant. I think PD adds comedic flair to the paragraph ^_^
